Index: Political Authority

This page forms part of the alphabetical index to the patterns of power commentaries and blog posts.

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Chapter 6 Overview

Chapter 6 Contents

citations in blog posts


a definition, (6.1.1)

a form of power, (2.7)

analysis structure, (6.1.4)

Austerity, (, (, (9.4); also see entry in Index-A-B and citations in blog posts

Authoritarianism, (6.3.1) and see Index-Authoritarianism

Capitalism, (6.2.2), and see entry in Index-C

Centrism, (6.2.6), (

Confrontation in politics, (, (

Democracy, (6.3.2)

Direct democracy, (6.5.2)

economic accountability, (3.3.9), (

economic decision-making, (3.1.2), (3.3.8), (6.7.1), (6.7.8) and see Index-Economic-governance

elections, (, (6.8.2)

electoral systems, (

‘epistocracy’: only allowing educated people to vote, (

Foreign policy, (6.7.7) and see citations in blog posts

Global political institutions, (6.6.6) and see Index-International-governance

governance requirements, (2.1), (9.7)

ideal political system?, (6.3.8)

ideologies and approaches to government, (6.2), (6.2.1)

Interest groups and pressure groups, (, (6.4.4), (6.5.3)

‘Joystick’ – public hand on policy, (

legitimacy, (6.3), (

Local government, (6.6.2)

Manifestos and party platforms, (6.2.6), (, Blog

money in politics, (6.4.5), and see citations in blog posts

moral influence in politics, (4.1.1), (4.3.4), and see Index-Moral-influence

negotiation, (6.8.4), (9.2.3).  Also see Index-Negotiability

Polarisation in politics, (, (

Political parties, (6.2.6), (, (

Political representation, (6.5.1), (6.8.2), and see Representatives entry in Index-Q-R

Politicians – role, (6.1.2), (6.1.3), and see Index-Politicians’-performance

Pressure groups, see Interest groups above

pressures, (3.3.9), (6.4.1), (6.4.6)

Proportional representation, (

public services, (, (3.5.3), and see separate Index

Separation of powers, (5.2.8) and see entry in Index-S

Subsidiarity, (6.6)

systems of voting, (

tactical international groupings, (, (, (

voter confusion, (6.6.7)

Voting by cultural identity, (, ( and see Index-Pluralism