Index: Politicians’ Performance

This page forms part of the alphabetical index to the patterns of power commentaries and blog posts.

   Main Sections

Role of politicians, (6.1.2), (6.1.3)

Required behaviour, (6.3.3)

Leaders, (6.3.4)


ability to communicate, (, (

Accountability, (, (6.8.5), (8.7), (9.4)

Alt-right‘, (, (, ( and see entry in Index-A-B

appointment, (6.8.2)

Authoritarian populism, (, ( and see entry in Index-A-B

competence, (2.1), (, (

Dishonesty, (6.3.3), (7.2.5and see citations in blog posts

disillusion with them, (6.3.9), (, (

governance requirements, (2.1), (, (9.7)

influence of money. See Money in Politics (below)

integrity, (

interacting with the public, (6.4.2)

Irresponsibility, ( and citations in blog posts

Lobbying, (6.4.4)(6.4.5)

Media political influence, (, (, (, (6.4.3), (6.4.6)

Money in politics, (, (6.4.5), (6.8.2), ( and see citations in blog posts

need for support, (3.3.9), (6.3.2), (6.3.8), (6.4.2)

negative campaigning, (

Nepotism, (6.8.2)

Personality politics, (, (, (8.7)

Populism, (, and citations in blog postsAlso see ‘Authoritarian populism’ above.

‘Pork-barrel politics’, (

pressures, (6.4.1), (6.4.6), (

Public trust, (2.1), (6.3.3), (9.7)

replacement, (2.1), (, (6.3.2), (, (9.7)

Representatives, (6.5.1), (6.8.2), and see entry in Index-Q-R

responsiveness, (2.1), (2.8.4), (, (6.8.3), (9.7) and see Index-Negotiability

serving the people, (2.1), (6.1.2), (, (9.7)

Sleaze, (6.4.5) and see entry in Index-S

undermining opponents, (

use of religion, (